Logical matrix. A Logframe or Logical Framework is a widely used project planning tool consisting of a matrix which provides an overview of a project’s goal, activities and anticipated results. It provides a structure to help specify the components of a project and its activities and for relating them to one another. It also identifies the measures by which the project’s anticipated results will be monitored.
Logframe for this project was composed by Krista Sildoja from Estonia (director of the Mooste Folk Music School). Logframe is used by 8 experts from 3 countries to create a teaching methodology for selected folk music instruments on common grounds and principles.
Conference about different folk music teaching methodologies were held in autumn 2018.
Courses of traditional instrument learning In order to thest the functionality of written methodologies and to make final amendments public courses weree organized by each partner organization. The length of the courses and the format, also the number of participants depended of the musical instrument that the methodology is about.
Courses were held in different times during early spring 2018 until autumn 2018. More information about courses in traditional language can be found at project partners web page.